All of your articles are on point. I encourage you to write more.

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Mr Harrison, I look forward to new writings and articles from you. Thank you for sharing your knowledge

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I don't know if this question can be answered, but I have a question about people who are completely asymptomatic who test positive, and also those who get no reaction symptoms from one of the various vaccines. How are their immune systems able to handle either of those things without any discomfort at all?

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Mr Pourchot, I am one of those people. I tested postive Dec 2020/Jan 2021 along with everyone else in my family of 6. I had zero symptoms. And in the spring of 2021 when I had my vaccines (Pfizer), I had no reactions/symptoms. For me, I attribute this to being in the care of a Functional Medicine practitioner resulting in clean eating and individualized supplementation based on regular bloodwork.

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